School District 8 superintendent Christine Perkins will leave for Vernon’s school district at the end of the academic year. Photo: Submitted

School District 8 superintendent Christine Perkins resigns

Perkins is leaving to take over another district

  • Apr. 12, 2021 12:00 a.m.

School District 8 superintendent Christine Perkins announced Monday she will resign at the end of the school year.

Perkins, who took over the job in SD8 in 2017, will move on to be superintendent of School District 22 in Vernon beginning in August.

“It has been an absolute honour to serve as the superintendent/CEO for this transformative four-year period of time. I will take with me the many positive memories of the great people with whom I worked, associated, laughed, and had the honour to get to know,” said Perkins in a statement.

“The change will allow me to embrace a new career challenge and be close to family while living in a community and region where my husband, Michael, and I hold significant history.”

The district said it will begin a search for a new superintendent, with Perkins holding the role through the end of the academic year.


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