School District 91 board of trustees meeting

“One of the real pleasurable aspects of the job of the Superintendent of Schools is attending Science Fairs.”

  • Mar. 26, 2012 1:00 p.m.

On Monday, March 19, the Board of Education of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) held its board meeting at Sinkut View Elementary in Vanderhoof.

Science Fair

“One of the real pleasurable aspects of the job of the Superintendent of Schools is attending Science Fairs.”  Ms. Charlene Seguin reported that she attended the Central Interior Science Fair in Prince George and was very impressed. She reported that we had 18 projects in the Science Fair and all 18 received medals.  Felicia Brooks, a Grade 7 student from Evelyn Dickson Elementary School (EDS), received a gold medal and was recognized as the best in category, earth and environmental sciences, for students in grades 7 – 12. Andrew Schultz, a Fraser Lake Secondary student, received a gold medal for his work on “Glycemic Levels and the Shift Work Schedule.”  Kaelen Loebel, also a Grade 7 student at EDS, won gold for his project on black holes.  Christian Kelemen, a Grade 6 student at Mapes Elementary,  was awarded a gold medal for his project.  Seguin recognized the hard work of the students, their parents and teachers, as well as the outstanding work done by our science fair coordinator, Candice Little.


Administrators’ Pro-D

Ms.Seguin reported that on March 8 -9, 2012, the administrators in School District No. 91 worked with Dr. Anthony Muhammad in the area of “Building and Sustaining Healthy Learning Environments.”   Rick Pooley, Assistant Superintendent, added that this work fits well with our focus on student achievement and professional learning communities.  Director of Instruction, Manu Madhok, said he “felt fortunate that we were able to work so closely with Dr. Muhammad, who is a highly sought-after presenter.”


Provincial Success for District 91 Athletes

Director of Instruction, Mr. Eugene Marks, thanked the coaches and sponsors who made the winter season a success for so many students.  District No.  91 was represented at the provincial championship level by several teams.  The Lakes District Secondary (LDSS) snowboarders led the way and returned with Championship Banners for boys snowboarding and the overall snowboarding.  The LDSS girls brought home a silver medal and a share of the overall banner. Logan Beedle was the individual gold medalist in boys snowboarding, while Andre Dube finished fourth and Collin Bergen finished in eighth place.  On the girls side Elise Dube brought home a bronze medal and Mikayla Fairly finished 12th.  What is truly remarkable is that LDSS was not the only District 91 team to fair well at the ski/snowboard provincials.  Fort St. James Secondary school girls placed in 3rd place, only one point behind LDSS, in snowboarding.  The Fort St. James Secondary Ski team placed 7th overall thanks to a 7th place finish by the boys and a 12th place finish by the girls.

Nechako Valley Secondary school wrestlers also had outstanding results at their provincial championships.  Jonah Reinke, a Grade 11 student, came home with a bronze medal and grade nine student, Kaiya Conniff, placed 4th in her weight class.  Both wrestlers qualified for the national championships.

SD No. 91 was represented by two teams at basketball provincials.  The Fort St. James Secondary Senior girls attended the Single A tournament in Prince George and finished in 10th place with a record of two wins and two losses.  The Nechako Valley Secondary Senior Girls travelled to Kamloops for the Double A Provincials where they placed 14th.


Spelling Bee Success

Congratulations to Jane Kanary, a grade seven student from WL McLeod Elementary, for placing 2nd at the Canspell Spelling Bee regional competition held in Prince George.


Join us on Facebook

School District No. 91 has recently launched a Facebook page where we will post key information (bus cancellations etc.) as well as highlight the success of our students.  You can join by going to



Teacher Job Action comes to an end

Superintendant Pooley reported that with the passing of Bill 22 the teacher job action has now formally ended.  Ms. Seguin reported that “throughout Phase One and the three day walkout we were able to maintain positive relationships with our staff.”


Vanderhoof Omineca Express