School district floats school calendar options

This week the school district began emailing the survey to parents

Campbell River School is accepting feedback on its 2015-16 school year calendar through a survey that will close March 6

In its Feb. 10 meeting, the board of trustees selected three possible calendar options to present to review by parents and SD72 employees.

This week the school district began emailing the survey to parents of students currently enrolled in Campbell River schools.

The multiple choices were driven in part by Labour Day falling on Sept. 8 this year, or the second Monday in September. Normally it falls on the first Monday of the month and school would begin immediately afterward.

The three calendar options include two that would see classes begin the week before Labour Day, boast balanced semesters, and not align with the School District 71 (Comox Valley) calendar.

One of these options also builds a four-day vacation around the Victoria Day long weekend in May.

The third option would see the start of classes on Sept. 9, with a first semester shorter than the second by five days, and alignment with the SD71 calendar.

All three options include a two-week spring break. The three calendar options can be viewed in .pdf form on the district’s website at

Campbell River Mirror