Oak Bay News reader, Brittany MacPherson, snaps photos of the damage done by Sunday’s storm. Two boats washed onto the rocks below Glenlyon Norfolk School on Beach Drive. (Photo Brittany MacPherson)

Oak Bay News reader, Brittany MacPherson, snaps photos of the damage done by Sunday’s storm. Two boats washed onto the rocks below Glenlyon Norfolk School on Beach Drive. (Photo Brittany MacPherson)

School fence damaged by soaring sailboat

One boat owner advised, Transport Canada responsible for second boat

  • Jan. 22, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Sunday’s storm blew more than waves ashore; it sent two sailboats crashing into the property of Glenlyon Norfolk School on Beach Drive.


“The owner of one boat was advised but the other boat was a derelict vessel so our Integrated Marine Unit advised Transport Canada,” said Deputy Chief Ray Bernoties.

The fence at Glenlyon Norfolk School was only slightly damaged.

“We were very fortunate, as there was little damage to our property,” said Glenn Zederayko, Head of School at GNS. “There was a bit of our chain link fence that got bent.”

He said the local police department and the GNS custodian responsed quickly to the situation on Sunday.

Winds whipped up late Saturday pushing boats ashore up and down the Island, knocking down power in some areas and cancelling travel to and from the Island by sea and air.

The vessels were removed Monday.


Oak Bay News