Timothy Christian School in Chilliwack is closed for in-person instruction but has moved online for two weeks, following a number of students and staff being asked to self isolate. The plan is to have the school open for regular instruction again on Feb. 22(COVID-19/ CDC Image)

School in Chilliwack opts for two-week online learning due to COVID isolation

Timothy Christian did not have the staff needed, so moved immediately to online instruction

Timothy Christian School in Chilliwack is the latest to halt in-person instruction due to a COVID-19 concern.

The school’s principal said they were faced several staff and students isolating due to a COVID exposure, and they did not have enough trained staff on call to fill the positions adequately. So, like others, they made the decision to move to virtual instruction the next day.

“With this happening it was difficult to function optimally and we made the decision to discontinue face to face instruction on Thursday afternoon and transitioned to online virtual instruction (school wide) the next day,” Doug Stam said. “The closure was a decision we made administratively and was not called for by Fraser Health but we felt this was the most expedient for the school and community.”

Then on Sunday, Feb. 7, Fraser Health sent a ‘self-isolation request’ to the staff and students at a Chilliwack school. The exposure at the school was from Jan. 27 to 29 and Feb. 1 to 4.

“Staff or students who were at Timothy Christian School during the above dates, are asked to self isolate 14 days from the last date they were at the school,” Fraser Health stated in the letter.

They are being asked to self isolate at home, allowing students to be outside, but not with friends or in any public areas.

Close household contacts of staff or students (such as partners/spouses, parents, siblings of children receiving this letter) do not need to isolate, unless the staff or student who the letter applies to, tests positive for COVID-19.

They are also asked to monitor for new or worsening signs of COVID-19, including cough, fever, muscle aches, fatigue, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, headache, lack of appetite, chills, runny nose or nasal congestion, loss of sense of smell or taste or diarrhea.

The suspension of in-person learning will remain in effect at that school until Feb. 22.

READ MORE: Six schools in Chilliwack dealing with COVID-19 exposures this week, says Fraser Health

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