School offers more one-on-one time with students

Cariboo Christian school

School is about change, growing and learning.

Bethel Pentecostal’s Cariboo Christian School (CCS), located at 550 Exeter Truck Route, has done that since its inception in the early 1980s.

The school is now open for registration and offers free tuition with a smaller ratio between students and teachers.

“We average 25-30 students,” says teacher Ben Baker, “which means we have more one-on-one time with the kids.”

Ben is a graduate of Peter Skene Ogden Senior Secondary School (PSO), where he was known as BJ, and has been teaching in the 100 Mile House area since he graduated from Thompson Rivers University and Trinity College four years ago.

He has been a substitute teacher at the 100 Mile Elementary School, as well as a contracted teacher at the 100 Mile House Junior Secondary and PSO.

“I was at CCS for a short time, so I suppose you could say I am returning.

“This school gives children a solid Christian background,” he says, adding students do not have to attend the church to be enrolled at the school.

CCS principal Pattie Baker says CCS is an independent school in compliance with the Independent Schools Act under the authority of the Bethel Society. It is an interdenominational Christian school that provides a British Columbia Ministry of Education accredited academic program from a Christ-centred perspective in a Christian community.

“I’m very proud of our school and our students. We have a holistic approach to education which includes a strong fitness program.”

The school also offers a nutrition program, which includes hot lunches two days a week.

Partially funded by government grants and supported by donations, CCS offers kindergarten to Grade 12 educational opportunities to all students, says Pattie.

“We have the space and the resources to teach a large number of students. We have the availability to adjust our teaching staff and can hire more teachers if the need arises.”

For more information, call the school at 250-395-4637 or e-mail


100 Mile House Free Press