School pullouts under construction

New bus pullouts will improve safety for children who bus to school

Work is underway on three Community Safety Enhancement projects to help improve student and bus safety by providing pullouts off the road and improving traffic flow around school buses.

South Cariboo school bus pullouts will be constructed on Horse Lake Road at Wolfe Road near Horse Lake; on Highway 24 at Machete Lake Road near Bridge Lake; and on Green Lake South Road at Lake Access No. 7.

Work is scheduled to be completed by the end of September.

Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett says it’s vitally important to not have children standing near a road while waiting to get on a school bus.

Barnett adds she often hears complaints from grandparents about this issue.

“Anything we can do to improve the safety of children and motorists is something I support wholeheartedly. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) has done a wonderful job of identifying these areas of improvement.”

These projects are part of $5 million invested this year by the provincial government for safety projects in and near communities to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists on provincial highways.

These projects were selected by the MOTI through consultation with local governments and law enforcement.

100 Mile House Free Press