School Road speed curbed

Efforts are being made to keep school children in Lavington safe.

Efforts are being made to keep school children in Lavington safe.

Coldstream will install a raised crosswalk on School Road at the south side of Lavington Elementary in an effort to slow motorists down.

There were plans to install a pedestrian-operated flashing crossing light, at a cost of $15,000. Whereas one raised crosswalk costs $6,000.

One politician, who lives in Lavington, insists that raised crosswalks work much better.

“When I go by Kal Beach and it’s busy, it backs traffic up and the same thing will happen here,” said Coun. Doug Dirk.

“I’ve got some personal experiences with raised tables and they work quite well. You can go over it comfortably at that speed (school zone is 30 km an hour) but if you go over it any more than that then you’ve got a problem.”

Long awaited housing developing

A Coldstream townhouse project that has been in the works for years is finally closer to breaking ground.

There are plans to subdivide a single Clerke Road lot into three lots, in order to accommodate four-unit row housing on the two new lots.

The property currently has a five-unit apartment building (the former CKAL radio station building) on the middle lot.

“It is my intent to get it going right away since right away was five years ago and it’s taken this long,” said applicant B.J. Illingby.

Zoning changes are in the works to accommodate the proposal, but have taken some time to develop.

Meanwhile a neighbouring Clerke Road resident questions the change.

“Once we change this zone anything can go in there,” said Al Luther.

Another concern is parking, which there is none of on Clerke Road, said Luther.

“There is going to be two parking stalls per unit provided,” said Illingby.

The bylaw still requires final adoption.


Vernon Morning Star