Fort St. James Secondary School photo.

Fort St. James Secondary School photo.

School will look a lot different, says Fort St. James Secondary School principal

The principal wrote a letter to parents informing them about what to expect at school on June 1.

  • May. 31, 2020 12:00 a.m.

With school reopening on a voluntary, part-time basis across British Columbia on June 1, here is what that will look like for students of Fort St. James Secondary School.

In a May 28 letter to parents, Craig Houghton, principal of the high school said that school looks different to how it did before spring break.

Now, there are one-way halls, school greeters, only two entry doors, continual hand washing, 2-metre social distancing and only a few students in classes.

“What has not changed is that all the teachers and staff are happy to work with you, and they are all here to help you with your learning,” the principal wrote.

School capacity per day will be 20 percent of the total number of students. Learners will be divided on the basis of the first alphabet of their last name. Here is what the schedule looks like.

On Monday, students who have their last name starting with letters A – F will be attending school. On Tuesday, students with their last name starting with letter G – J will be going to school.

Wednesday, students with their last name starting with letters K – P will attend school and on Thursday, students with their last name starting with letters Q – Z will be going to school.

Meanwhile, if your child takes the bus to school, staff will be reaching out to inform you of the route pick up and drop-off times.

Breakfast and a free bag of lunch will be provided to all students.

Lastly, if students choose to not attend school until the end of June, their current method of instruction will continue, Houghton wrote.

To get more clarity, call the school at 250-996-7126.

Aman Parhar
Editor, Vanderhoof Omineca Express
aman.parhar@ominecaexpress.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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