Many School District 10 students are set to return to school next week (File photo)

Many School District 10 students are set to return to school next week (File photo)

SD 10 students set to return to school next week

Representatives from each school will reach out to parents before June 1 about back to school plans

  • May. 28, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Many students in School District 10 were set to go back to school this week as COVID-19 restrictions ease slightly across the province.

Nakusp Secondary School principal Peter Gajda said students in different grades would be invited to attend school once a week starting on Tuesday.

Grade 8 students are invited to attend school on Tuesdays, students in Grades 11 and 12 on Wednesdays and Grade 9 and 10 students on Thursdays.

Gajda says it isn’t mandatory for students to attend and remote learning opportunities will still exist for them at home.

Across the district, superintendent Terry Taylor said approximately 30 per cent of students have already been attending in-person classes since the end of spring break.

“Few school districts in the province have had as many students per capita in schools as we have had. Some whole classes have attended school for environmental education or other outdoor learning experiences,” said Taylor in a statement.

“We have demonstrated for eight weeks with students and staff in our schools that we can safely and effectively support student learning in schools with their teachers and support staff.”

Taylor said the district could potentially move into a stage two health protocol near the end of June, which would mean kindergarten to Grade 7 students would go back to school five days a week for the rest of the school year.

Schools across the district are expected to be at 40 to 90 per cent of their normal student capacity this week, according to Taylor.

In terms of health protocols, Interior Health has advised students and staff to wash their hands and physical distance whenever possible while they’re at school.

Taylor said each school’s principal, vice principal or teacher will be communicating with parents about specific back-to-school plans for their children before June 1.

Arrow Lakes News