Seal death not suspicious

Fisheries and Oceans will not be investigating the death of a sea lion that washed ashore in Tlell earlier this month.

Fisheries and Oceans will not be investigating the death of a sea lion that washed ashore in Tlell earlier this month.

The dead animal caused concern among beachcombers who contacted DFO after stumbling upon the carcass and spotting what appeared to be bullet holes.

DFO spokesperson  Ryan Benson told the Observer that officers noted a small hole of unknown origin on the body that was also extensively damaged by scavengers.

Officers concluded there was no visible bullet wounds that to warrent  further investigation.

“For lack of witnesses or other evidence, no investigation is underway,” Mr. Benson said. Although they do keep track of such cases.If an investigation found the death was intentionally caused, those responsible could face charges under the Marine Mammal Regulations, including the capture of mammals without authority, and killing or wounding a marine mammal without making efforts to retrieve it.

Fines and penalties vary, but a similar case in Skidegate recently resulted in fines totalling $2,500.


Haida Gwaii Observer