Sean Hogan at Lake Cowichan legion, Tequila Mockingbird in Duncan

Sean Hogan plays at the Lake Cowichan legion Friday night. Tequila Mockingbird plays in Duncan Saturday night.

Thanksgiving weekend is over and you’re going into pie withdrawals, but not to worry. This weekend there will be enough music to satisfy your cravings.

Roots at Legion

On Friday night, award-winning country and roots musician Sean Hogan will appear at the Lake Cowichan Legion. In 2011, Hogan, who had been fighting a sore throat for months, was diagnosed with oral pharyngeal cancer, but after months of treatment was given a clean bill of health in 2012. This year, Hogan has been touring for the summer and returns to his home on the Island for the winter. Tickets for his Friday night show at the Legion are $15 and the show starts at 8 p.m.

Folk Guild Fundraiser

On Saturday, The Cowichan Folk Guild has a delicious treat that will satisfy your cravings for pie and folk, all in a homey community feel. The CFG’s Family Community Dance and Fundraiser kicks off at The Hub in the Cowichan Station in Duncan.

The fundraiser will feature The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra, a folk music group that originally hales from Victoria.

“We’re eclectic, but we have a pan-world sense of folk music,” says Kurt Lowen, guitarist and vocalist. “We started out eight years ago playing what we called gypsy-ska or gypsy folk music. Now we’ve merged into world folk, african inspired beats and more.”

Saturday’s fundraiser will also feature an apple pie contest so bake a pie, bring it to the dance and maybe you’ll win a prize.

And will the band be bringing some pie?

“If only we had a kitchen on wheels,” says Lowen. “But I can promise to eat the pie, which is a pretty important job in itself.”

On Saturday, the doors at The Hub open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25, ($20 for youth and folk guild members). Children 12 and under are free.

For more information you can call 250-748-3975 or 778-455-4710, or visit

Lake Cowichan Gazette