Search and Rescue dispatched to look for presumed hiker in distress

Central Okanagan Search and Rescue is currently searching an area near Westside Road after a woman claimed she heard sounds of distress.

Members of Central Okanagan Search and Rescue strategize before scanning an area west of Westside Road near the log boom. The search began after a woman told West Kelowna RCMP members she heard the sounds of someone in distress coming from that area.

Members of Central Okanagan Search and Rescue strategize before scanning an area west of Westside Road near the log boom. The search began after a woman told West Kelowna RCMP members she heard the sounds of someone in distress coming from that area.

Central Okanagan Search and Rescue is currently searching an area west of Westside Road after a woman claimed she heard sounds of distress.

The witness said she was taking photographs near the log boom Tuesday morning before the noises caught her attention.

According to Const. Steve Conlon, the woman heard “some whistling noises” and other sounds that led her to believe there may be a hiker in distress.

“Myself, another RCMP officer and conservation did a grid search of the area but didn’t find anything that supported the complaints,” said Conlon.

“So we’ve since called out Search and Rescue to continue.”

Conlon and the other officers hiked the steep terrain west of the road and searched for about an hour-and-a-half.

A helicopter was initially called in to assist with the search; however, the windy conditions forced it to retreat.

Search and Rescue is currently scanning a larger area, which will include Bear Creek Provincial Park.

Kelowna Capital News