Fernie Search and Rescue responded to a call for three skiers in distress at Fernie Alpine Resort. Photo Submitted

Fernie Search and Rescue responded to a call for three skiers in distress at Fernie Alpine Resort. Photo Submitted

Search and Rescue responds to skiers in distress

Three skiers were stuck on Mongolia Ridge on Sunday afternoon

  • Feb. 10, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Fernie Search and Rescue (SAR) responded to a report of three skiers in distress on Mongolia Ridge on Sunday afternoon.

The call came about one hour after SAR finished a day of training at Fernie Alpine Resort, at approximately 2 p.m. According to SAR, there were three skiers, two of which are local residents.

The skiers “had become cliffed out while trying to get back to the resort from Mongolia Bowl and losing a ski,” said SAR.

The Fernie SAR team was able to complete a rather challenging long-line rescue, with help from Fernie Alpine Resort and the Ski Patrol team.

“Technical piloting skills from Ascent Helicopters made this rescue possible,” said Fernie SAR in a Facebook post about the incident.

After the rescue, the three skiers where brought safe and sound to the ski resort base, with no injuries reported.

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