Penticton city staff are asking council to approve starting the search for a long term operator of the Skaha marina. (File photo)

Search could start soon for a long term operator of Penticton marina

Skaha marina is on council's agenda to put out a request for proposal

  • Jul. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Penticton city council will decide on Tuesday whether to move forward with a Request for Proposal to find an operator to manage the Skaha Marina in the long-term.

On the Tuesday, July 20 agenda, staff are asking council to direct staff to proceed to develop a Request for Proposals for the development of a long-term operating management agreement up to 25 years for the Skaha Marina and refer the proposal to the parks and recreation advisory committee for review before returning to council for approval.

In addition to choosing a new councillor in James Miller in the June 19 by-election,, Penticton residents also voted on the referendum question of whether to allow the city to offer a contract of up to 25 years to run the Skaha Marina.

That was decided with a narrow margin yes vote, 2,453 votes to 2,416.

With the longer-term agreement, the city would be able to require the operator to put the work and funding towards improvements to the marina instead of the city and taxpayers funding them.

The fate of the Nautical Dog Cafe, that currently runs out of the marina, would also be up to the next operator to decide whether it continues or a new restaurant goes in.

The Skaha marina has long been a contentious issue with heavy opposition from the Save Skaha Park Society.

READ MORE: James Miller elected, Skaha Marina long term operating approved

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