Giant's Head Elementary

Second COVID-19 case at Giant’s Head Elementary

Letter sent to parents Dec. 3 about the recent case

  • Dec. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Parents at Giants Head Elementary in Summerland have been told there is a second case of COVID-19 at the school.

A letter was sent out to parents, dated Dec. 3, that someone in their school community has tested positive for COVID.

It was Sunday when parents were told about the first exposure at the school. According to Interior Health, the dates for potential exposure at the school were Nov. 23 to 26. Just students in that class have been home.

As with all school cases, Interior Health works with those infected. They also carry out contact tracing. Students are encouraged to continue to come to school. The person who tested positive is at home self-isolating.

No information is given on whether it is staff or students who have tested positive for the virus.

Also this week, both Penticton high schools had COVID-19 exposures. Potential exposures at both Maggie and Pen Hi were on Nov. 26 and 27. Those who tested positive are at home self-isolating. Interior Health is working closely with SD67, the letter home reads.

monique.Tamminga@pentictonwesternnews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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