Second sea cucumber application surfaces for Baynes Sound

A second application for a tenure to grow sea cucumbers in Baynes Sound has surfaced.

A second application for a tenure to grow sea cucumbers in Baynes Sound has surfaced.

Ken Albrecht of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations announced the application for a 107-hectare application for Crown land tenure in Baynes Sound at a concerned area residents’ public information meeting on Thursday.

According to the Ministry’s website, where the application is posted, the applicants for this tenure application are Joey Tarnowski and West Sampson.

Kathy Evans, manager of aquaculture for the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations told the Record this application’s area would stretch from just south of Union Point in Union Bay to about 300 metres north of the Buckley Bay ferry terminal.

Evans noted this application is now at the point where the applicants must advertise — to her knowledge it’s happening this week — and then there will be 30 days for public comment before the final decision is made.

While she said this application is separate from the 155-hectare application stretching from north of Union Point in Union Bay to south Royston, her understanding is that Dan Bowen Consulting Services Ltd. — Dan Bowen is an applicant in the 155-hectare application — would provide consultant services to Tarnowski/Sampson.

If both applications go through, the two tenures would stretch from south of Gartley Point in Royston to just north of the Buckley Bay ferry terminal, with small breaks in between, according to a map displayed in the second application.

Comox Valley Record