Police investigate the second shooting in two days.

Police investigate the second shooting in two days.

Second shooting in two days

Police are looking into two separate incidents of gunfire at vehicles. They cannot say if the brazen mid-day acts were related.

Surrey Mounties are investigating a second shooting in two days, as people are shooting from their cars at other vehicles.

At just after 5 p.m., Monday, Sept. 15, Surrey RCMP received several calls about a white Jeep chasing after a black Corvette in the area of 132 Street and 89 Avenue.

When police arrived, the suspects were gone.

Witnesses say three or four shots were fired from the Jeep at the Corvette.

Evidence at the scene supports witness accounts, police said.

No arrests have been made as of yet.

The investigation is still in its early stages, but initial indications are that this incident is targeted and that the parties involved likely knew each other.

The day prior to that at about 6:35 p.m., Surrey RCMP received several reports of gunfire in the 6800-block of 128 Street.

Police then received a call from a man who said he was driving on 128 Street at about 68 Avenue when another vehicle pulled up and started shooting. He drove a short distance and reported it. The victim is providing limited information.

Police do not believe it was a random act, but could not say whether it is related to a string of shootings this spring between two rival drug-dealing groups.

Anyone with information about the Saturday shooting is asked to call 604-599-0502 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.











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