A wildfire burning in the Beaufort Mountain Range can be seen from south Port Alberni, early Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018. SUSAN QUINN PHOTO

A wildfire burning in the Beaufort Mountain Range can be seen from south Port Alberni, early Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018. SUSAN QUINN PHOTO

Second wildfire burns in Alberni Valley

Beaufort Range blaze can be seen from the city

  • Aug. 8, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A second wildfire in as many nights is burning near Port Alberni, this time in the Beaufort Mountain Range in Cherry Creek.

The BC Wildfire Service is reporting that the “North Cherry Creek” fire is approximately two hectares in size.

Port Alberni RCMP members began knocking on doors of homes at the end of Cherry Creek Road at Horne Lake Road somewhere around 2 a.m. to advise people about the wildfire. No evacuation order was given, according to witnesses.

Social media posts began appearing around midnight as flames could be seen from as far away as south Port Alberni, burning along the power lines.

Members of the Cherry Creek Volunteer Fire Department responded to the fire.

A call to the Coastal Fire Centre was not immediately returned. We will update the status of the Beaufort Range fire as information becomes available.

Meanwhile, BC Wildfire Service reported on Tuesday that the Turtle Lake Road fire east of Great Central Lake, which broke out early Tuesday morning, was considered ‘held’ and shouldn’t spread under the weather conditions at the time. Fire information officers said that fire was deemed to be human caused, but was still under investigation.

READ: Crews make good progress on wildfire near Great Central Lake


Nanaimo News Bulletin