Secret admirer pins creepy letters to trees

Campbell River RCMP want to speak with the person leaving letters for a young woman in the Beaver Lodge Lands

Mounties want to talk with the person leaving “creepy” notes for a young woman who walks her dogs in the Beaver Lodge Lands.

The notes have been posted on trees and first came to police attention on Jan. 7.

“This message is for a certain young lady who owns multiple (dogs),” one of the the typed letters begins.

This particular letter was recently posted online to warn others who walk the network of trails that run parallel to Dogwood Street.

Finally, on Thursday, Campbell River RCMP issued a media release about the letters.

“While there were no threats of harm, it would appear the author may have been secretly watching this individual for a period of time,” said Const. Don McIntosh.

“Police were able to locate the female involved and speak with her. Investigators are seeking to identify and speak with the male who left the messages.”

The letter goes into detail about the individual, presumably a man, hiding in the woods while the woman and a friend were walking their dogs.

“I want to approach you and introduce myself. Instead, I find myself overcome by shyness and jumping off the trail, and watching you from afar,” he wrote.

In the last paragraph he tells the young woman she’s “very beautiful” and, “I do not intend for this message to scare you, as it shouldn’t. I only hope that one day I am courageous enough to come out and say hello. I realize that other people who read this may find it ‘creepy,’ but you seem to be smart enough to know the difference, and frankly, it is no one elses (sic) business.”

Anyone with information about these letters should contact Campbell River RCMP or Const. McIntosh at 250-286-6221.

Campbell River Mirror