Secret meetings continue in Qualicum Beach town hall

Town of Qualicum Beach officials say they can't legally comment on what's going on behind closed doors

The Town of Qualicum Beach remains silent on what is happening behind closed doors.

Council met in camera once again Wednesday morning. There’s no word on what is being discussed in these meetings, which have been occurring at a two-or-three-times-a-week clip for the past few months.

In accordance with the Community Charter, the town must post a notice of these meetings. The notice for the meeting Wednesday was posted last week, and was identical to the postings for other recent, in-camera meetings. The agenda for the meeting Wednesday had only three points: adoption of the agenda, a motion to close the meeting to the public and adjournment.

According to the town, the motion to close the meeting to the public was “for the purposes of considering: labour relations or other employee relations; personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another person appointed by the municipality.”

The NEWS asked the town for comment Wednesday afternoon about what happened at that morning’s in-camera session. Town spokesperson Patricia Hunstman sent The NEWS this in an e-mail:

“Pursuant to s. 117 of the Charter, council has a duty to respect confidentiality, and must keep in confidence items discussed at a closed meeting until the information is discussed at a meeting open to the public or council authorizes release of the information to the public.  The corporate administrator routinely announces at regular council meetings, any items that council has authorized for release. The town is specifically prohibited by law from disclosing personal information.”

Parksville Qualicum Beach News