A security plan remains in place after Mayor Nicole Read threatened last spring. (THE NEWS/files)

A security plan remains in place after Mayor Nicole Read threatened last spring. (THE NEWS/files)

Security guard still shadowing Maple Ridge council meetings

Part of plan after threats made against mayor

The main component of a plan to improve security for Maple Ridge Mayor Nicole Read remains in place, nine months after a scare kept her away from council for a month.

A security guard has been watching every regular council and most workshop meetings since a threat was made last April.

“It’s part of the security plan for the mayor,” said Coun. Gordy Robson.

Read has previously been harassed on social media, but the threat in question was a physical one that was revealed by Ridge Meadows RCMP.

Read in May described the incident as “a real, serious threat, that had nothing to do with social media.”

As result, council implemented a safety plan, as recommended by police, one part of which suggested a guard be present at every meeting.

Council agreed with the recommendations and hasn’t discussed it since, said Coun. Bob Masse.

“We approved complying with the recommendations and that’s the only discussion that we’ve had on that.”

The guard is now at all regular council meetings and most workshops.

The plan is in place until the RCMP say otherwise.

“We’re not going to go against what they’re recommending,” Masse said.

He added the cost for the security plan isn’t significant. The guard who used to patrol the entire civic complex during the evenings now just watches over council when meetings are in progress.

This also helps ensure that politicians, the public and staff feel safe during meetings, the city said.

“The initial recommendations came from the RCMP, way back in the spring. That was on the recommendation of the RCMP and that’s what they’re still basically operating under,” Masse said.

“There’s no big deal made about it that, that’s for sure.”

Police have said no arrests have been made.

Maple Ridge News