Seeking food bank volunteers

More volunteers are needed if it is to continue to serve the needy as it has in the past

Pat and Heather Stanley are leaving Clearwater.

Pat and Heather Stanley are leaving Clearwater.

Longtime volunteers at Clearwater and District Food Bank Pat and Heather Stanley are leaving the community. They are moving to the Sunshine Coast for health and personal reasons.

Although there is little danger of the food bank closing, more volunteers are needed if it is to continue to serve the needy as it has in the past, they say.

Jobs range in difficulty from organizing events to stuffing envelopes.

The couple has been involved with the food bank for 10 years. Pat is presently treasurer while Heather is co-chair.

The Stanleys were two of 10 local residents recently honored with community service awards during the recent FRE-gatta.



Clearwater Times