Daryl Jolly, his wife Kerry Pagdin, their sons Cole Jolly (left) and Graeme Jolly, and their dogs Gracie and Clover. Photo: Submitted

Selkirk College arts chair diagnosed with lung cancer, family launches fund drive

Daryl Jolly co-founded the college's digital arts program

In mid-May, Daryl Jolly developed a chest cough and started feeling fatigued.

His mind went first to COVID-19. He got tested and the result was negative.

The symptoms persisted, and Jolly spent 17 days in hospital in Nelson and Kelowna undergoing tests, and was finally diagnosed with lung cancer.

“He’s never smoked a day in his life,” says his sister Andrea Jolly of Warfield, “and he’s been a vegetarian since he was 17 years old. So the diagnosis was completely shocking to everybody.”

The family has mounted a GoFundMe campaign, which at press time on the morning of June 15 had raised $10,550 toward the goal of $35,000.

Andrea says Daryl is still awaiting test results that will determine the course of treatment, adding that the morale of the family has visibly improved after seeing the response on GoFundMe.

“This is a very uncertain and frightening time and we don’t know what the next six months are going to look like, but Daryl’s family is determined to stay positive and to fight this together,” she says. “Daryl is focused on healing, and on spending as much time as possible with family, friends, and the many animals on their farm.”

Daryl, 51, is the chair of the School of the Arts at Selkirk College, which includes the Digital Arts and New Media program which he co-founded.

“Daryl is known as the person who works tirelessly behind the scenes bringing new and top-notch opportunities for students to explore their passions,” says Nelson filmmaker Amy Bohigian who teaches part time in the digital arts program. “Over the years, countless students have come back to thank him for being instrumental in their education at Selkirk.”

Daryl and his wife Kerry Pagdin sent the Nelson Star the following statement by email:

“Thank you to everyone who has offered their support to our family. Your kindness and love mean more to us than you could possibly know and we are so grateful to you. Thank you also to each and every one of the wonderful health care workers who have supported us during this challenging time.”

The fundraising campaign can be found at https://bit.ly/2SDlGaD.

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