Selkirk College President Angus Graeme has been given the confidence from the Board of Governors to continue leading post-secondary education in the West Kootenay and Boundary region over the next five years.

Selkirk College President Angus Graeme has been given the confidence from the Board of Governors to continue leading post-secondary education in the West Kootenay and Boundary region over the next five years.

Selkirk College inks president Angus Graeme for five more years

President Angus Graeme has been given a vote of confidence by board of governors to continue leadership of Selkirk College.

  • Aug. 27, 2016 6:00 a.m.

After a successful five years at the helm of Selkirk College, President Angus Graeme has been given a vote of confidence by the board of governors to continue his leadership of post-secondary education in the West Kootenay and Boundary.

The board announced that Graeme has signed another five year contract to continue in his role until 2021.

“The board looks forward to another very successful five year term for Angus and his leadership team,” says board of governors chair Sharel Wallace. “In his first five year term, Angus oversaw the securing of funding for the upgrades to Nelson’s Silver King Campus, increased enrollment in both domestic and international students, and the introduction of several new and innovative programs. Angus works tirelessly to raise awareness of what Selkirk College has to offer and the positive impact the college has on local communities.”

Taking the reins from former president Marilyn Luscombe in 2011, Graeme is energized to continue his work leading Selkirk College into the next five years.

“I’m honoured to continue in this position and look forward to accomplishing more great results with our faculty and staff for our students and the region in the coming years,” says Graeme.

Heading into its 50th year of fulfilling its mission to the region that voted by referendum to create a community college, the classrooms and hallways at all Selkirk College campuses are now more utilized than ever. It’s that growth that will be one of the main priorities Graeme and his leadership team face in the next five years.

“Growth is fantastic, but you can never lose sight of quality,” says Graeme. “If you grow too rapidly and you are not resolved to maintain quality, then the fact that you are larger than you were five years ago doesn’t matter. Students will simply go elsewhere.”

Graeme is confident that Selkirk College is heading in the right direction and is looking forward to helping it flourish.

“What has been so rewarding for me is working with such talented faculty and staff, and to be around such inspiring and fantastic students in all of our over 60 programs and disciplines, and in a beautiful part of the province,” said Graeme. “From that very first day of teaching until now, spending my day supporting someone else to learn, develop, mature or become more competent and confident in themselves — that’s what I really enjoy.

“Everything else I do is putting it all together in the spirit of that.”

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