Seniors housing develops

Vernon council has agreed to a development variance permit for a 119-unit seniors assisted housing on 24th Street

Parking concerns haven’t driven seniors housing off course.

Vernon council has agreed to a development variance permit for a 119-unit seniors assisted housing on 24th Street, next to the Village Green Liquor Store.

“It’s affordable and the units have smaller square footage, which is what seniors need,” said Coun. Dalvir Nahal.

The developer wanted to reduce the minium number of parking spaces from 47 to 44, and that  generated some opposition from the Village Green Hotel.

“I am concerned that the hotel will be inconvenienced with any additional parking needs that may exist or develop in the future for this facility, particularly with the loss of three parking stalls as proposed,” said Robert Glattfelder, hotel president and general manager.

However, a spokesperson for the developer insists the demand for parking will be reduced as residents and staff will be urged to use transit.

“We’ve got Walmart and the Village Green Centre within walking distance,” said Wilf Lunde, architect.

“There is no need to jump in the car.”

Lunde says a fence between the property and the hotel will make access challenging.

“The Village Green Hotel will benefit (from the development) because there will be tenants who want to enjoy the amenities there.”


Vernon Morning Star