Accident scene near 176 street and 60 ave thursday afternoon

Accident scene near 176 street and 60 ave thursday afternoon

Serious accident in Cloverdale

At least two people were taken to hospital after an accident on 176 Street and 60 Avenue.

At least two people were seriously hurt Thursday after a truck rolled over smashing a van in Cloverdale.

Details are sketchy as of now, but a truck carrying bales of hay rolled over in a collision with a Dodge Caravan just at about 1 p.m. on Thursday. A third vehicle, a white SUV, was also involved in the accident.

Firefighters had to use the jaws of life to extricate the driver of the minivan from the vehicle. He was airlifted to hospital by helicopter.

The driver of the truck was also seriously hurt, with possible head injuries, and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

Traffic on 176 Street was backed up northbound while southbound traffic was reduced to one lane as the accident was being cleared.

More details as they become known.

Surrey Now Leader