Service satisfies in Lake Country

Most Lake Country residents appear to be happy with their community and the services they receive.

Most Lake Country residents appear to be happy with their community and the services they receive.

A recent survey indicated that most respondents were either very satisfied (65 per cent) or somewhat satisfied (32 per cent) with their quality of life in Lake Country, while with the municipal services they receive for the taxes they pay, they were very satisfied (17 per cent) or somewhat satisfied (48 per cent).

“It’s pretty spectacular,” said Mayor James Baker.

“It shows people are generally pleased with what we do.”

If there was one area for improvement, it was with upgrading roads and extending the sidewalk and trail network.

“We’ve been working on it,” said Baker.

“We are always going after senior government funding and will continue to do that so it’s not always on our taxpayers.”

Nineteen per cent of respondents indicated that the single biggest opportunity for improving Lake Country was transportation-related improvements.

Other findings from the survey include:

Thirty-five per cent want a publicly-funded arts, cultural and heritage centre.

Seventy-five per cent are willing to support medium to high-density developments in urbanized areas to preserve the rural character an agriculture lands outside these areas.

Eighty-nine per cent believe agriculture contributes to the quality of life, while 76 per cent say agriculture bolsters the economy.


Vernon Morning Star