Setting sights on ‘freebies’

Some may see free items along roadways as treasure waiting to be discovered, but a Vernon politician has declared it a health disaster

Some may see free items along roadways as treasure waiting to be discovered, but a Vernon politician has declared it a health disaster.

Coun. Brian Quiring told his colleagues Tuesday that couches and mattresses left at the end of driveways are fuelling a bedbug infestation.

“I’m shocked at how big the problem is,” he said of the insects.

“They spread like wildfire.”

Quiring would like to see a crackdown on unwanted items residents have left along roads in the hopes members of the public will pick them up.

“It drives me crazy when I see piles of junk at the end of driveways because they don’t want to go to the dump,” he said.

“It’s getting worse than it used to be. It’s everywhere.”

City staff report that city bylaws to clean up items on right-of-way or in private yards can be enforced if complaints are received.


Vernon Morning Star