Six students in Prince Rupert through the Shecana exchange program are (left to right) Paul, Marco, Lina, Emma, Yumiko and Niels.

Six students in Prince Rupert through the Shecana exchange program are (left to right) Paul, Marco, Lina, Emma, Yumiko and Niels.

Seven international students in Prince Rupert this school year

Prince Rupert will have a bit of an international flavour this year, with seven exchange students in town attending Charles Hays Secondary.

Prince Rupert will have a bit of an international flavour this school year, with seven exchange students in town attending Charles Hays Secondary School.

Six of the students are with Shecana International Schools, the highest number to ever be in Prince Rupert with that program, while one is with Rotary.

Of the six Shecana students, four are from Germany. Niels is 15 and comes from Berlin, Lina is turning 17 this month and is from Berlin, Yumiko turns 16 this month and is from Seeheim – Jugenheim near Frankfurt, and Marco is also from Germany.

As well as the four German students, 17-year old Paul comes from Cholet, France and 17-year old Emma comes from Patamalm Sweden.

This year’s exchange student with Rotary is Alex from Spain.

All of the students are being hosted by members of the community and, with the exception of Neils, will be in Prince Rupert for the duration of the 10-month school year.



The Northern View