Several drinking drivers caught during weekend CounterAttack stops

Motorists travelling in Langley will likely not enjoy their Christmas as much, after being caught for impaired driving

Several motorists travelling in Langley will likely not enjoy their Christmas as much,  after being caught for impaired driving over the weekend.

After a series of CounterAttack checks, 13 were found to be impaired, with 10 of them receiving the maximum 90-day immediate roadside driving prohibition.

Langley RCMP were out doing CounterAttack on Friday and Saturday and handed out three three-day driving prohibitions, which means the people not only lose the use of their vehicle but also pay several hundred dollars in fines and reinstatement fees for their driver’s license.

Ten individuals received 90-day prohibitions.

“Rather than spending their hard earned money on Christmas presents, they will be responsible for fines and fees to the tune of several thousand dollars,” said Langley RCMP Cpl. Holly Marks.

In addition, their vehicles have been impounded for 30 days.

New drivers are reminded they can have no alcohol in their system when operating a motor vehicle.  If these new drivers are found to have been drinking and driving, they are subject to an immediate prohibition and possibly a later prohibition by the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles for violating the conditions of their license.

There are alternatives — arrange a designated driver, call a taxi, take transit or use Operation Red Nose.

On average, 86 people die every year in crashes involving impaired driving.

Police across the province will be looking for impaired drivers at CounterAttack roadchecks throughout December. Langley RCMP have more roadblocks planned.

“I encourage everyone to watch out for their friends and family.  Let’s make sure they aren’t making a very poor or potentially life altering decision,” said Langley RMCP Supt. Murray Power.

Langley Times