Several homes broken into in Terrace area

Here is a look at what Terrace RCMP responded to from 8 a.m. Friday March 23 until the morning of Monday March 26, 8 a.m.

  • Mar. 26, 2012 9:00 a.m.

Here is a look at what Terrace RCMP responded to from 8 a.m. Friday March 23 until the morning of Monday March 26, 8 a.m.

Downtown Terrace

– Man and woman fighting outside of Spirit Nightclub. Checks were done of area

– Man wanted two women to leave his hotel room. The women were arguing. They left prior to police attendance. Police located one of the woman at another location and ensured they were separated for the night.

– False cellular 911 call

– Man lying in the alleyway of the Skeena Liquor Store. He was located and arrested for public intoxication.

– Intoxicated man asking for spare change on Greig Ave. He was located and arrested for public intoxication.

– A woman and her son were almost hit by a silver Honda Civic in the crosswalk on Lazelle Ave. A warning was issued to the registered owner of the vehicle.

– A man was observed by police in a grossly intoxicated state on Greig Ave and Atwood St. He was arrested for public intoxication.

– A man was observed by police in a grossly intoxicated state on Greig Ave and Atwood St. The man was also observed to approach two young girls walking on the street. Police arrested the man for public intoxication. Extra police members were called for assistance when the man became violent and kicked and slammed the inside of the police vehicle.

– A wallet was lost in the bathroom of Safeway containing various cards and ID

– A man was observed in an intoxicated state on Emerson St and appeared to have urinated himself. Police arrested him for public intoxication.

– Police arrested a man for breaching conditions inside of the Spirit Nightclub. Police discovered that the man was mistaken for another person, and transported him to his residence.

– Disturbance at the Coast. A man causing problems was removed by staff from the bar. While transporting the man to his lodgings, police noticed a cut to his forehead and convinced the man to be transported to the hospital instead to be assessed.

– Two men and two women were attempting to get access to a room at the Bear Country Inn to party. Police told them to leave.

– BC Ambulance requested police assistance with a suicidal 31 yr old man. He was transported to

Mills Memorial Hospital where he was subsequently released to police and lodged in cells to sober up.

– A man and woman, both intoxicated, walking down Emerson St. Police located the couple and arrested the for public intoxication.

– Disturbance at the Bear Country Inn. Police attended. A 25 yr old woman exited a room and when she saw the police turned around a threw a mostly full bottle of a 26 ounce of vodka at the window. She was arrested for causing a disturbance and mischief. She was also on conditions to not consume alcohol. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel. While police were securing the woman in the police vehicle, a 21 yr old highly intoxicated man left the room. When police told him to stop, he ran. Police arrested him for public intoxication. Then another person, a 19 yr old intoxicated woman, attempted to leave the room. She was also arrested for public intoxication.

– A green 1996 Dodge pickup truck was checked in front of the KFC. The driver was issued a 4 month prohibition notice.

Elsewhere Terrace

– Someone knocking on a door on Davis Ave at 1 AM. Checks were done of area.

– 911 call. Domestic dispute. BC Ambulance attended. A woman suffered minor injuries. An arrest warrant is being sought for a 37 yr old man. He was on conditions of no contact with the victim from a prior domestic dispute in New Hazleton

– Intoxicated brother yelling and kicking the door of a residence on Davis Ave. Man left on his own accord. Police located him en route to his own residence.

– A woman reported a man trying to steal her money. The man in question was the man who was supposed to be en route to his own residence from Davis Ave. Checks were done in the area. The woman nor the man were located.

– 22 yr old man was reported missing. He was hitch hiking to Kitimat and never made it. He advised that he was in Prince George via text 24 hours after he was reported missing.

– Fight on Kalum St. Investigation revealed that a 21 yr old man was riding his skateboard into traffic and a person was attempting to stop him. The 21 yr old man was arrested for public intoxication.

– Harassing texts. The person responsible was spoken with.

– A 19 yr old man was demonstrating irrational behavior on Haugland Ave. He accepted an offer of a ride by police to Mills Memorial Hospital. He was not taking his medication properly.

– Two young men playing chicken with traffic near Walmart. Checks were done of area.

– Loss Prevention Officer of Walmart arrested a 26 yr old woman for shoplifting. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

– Breach of recognizance on Kalum St near the Skeena Liquor Store.

– Complaint of neighbors smoking marijuana on a regular basis on Davis Ave.

– False residential alarm on Tuck Ave

– Verbal domestic dispute. The man went to alternate lodging for the night.

– A suspicious vehicle backing in and out of a driveway on Golden St. Checks were done of area.

– A man was observed using a wall to enable him to stand up on Kalum St and Davis Ave. The 22 yr old man was arrested for public intoxication.

– Domestic dispute. A woman suffered minor injuries. She was transported to Mills Memorial Hospital by BC Ambulance for assessment. Charges of assault and breach of undertaking x 2 are being forwarded to Crown Counsel and a warrant is being requested for a 24 yr old man.

– A woman reported a silver 4 door car was circling on Kalum St, and had stopped and asked if she wanted a ride.

– A noisy party on Park Ave was shut down by police after a noise complaint.

– People causing a disturbance on Scott Ave. A 29 yr old man was arrested for public intoxication. He was later transported to Mills Memorial Hospital for assessment due to suicidal thoughts.

– 911 call of a person requiring medical attention. BC Ambulance transported a man to Mills Memorial Hospital. A woman was arrested for public intoxication. Police returned to the residence a short time later, located, and arrested a 16 yr old boy for assault.

– Police were waved down by an intoxicated 25 yr old man on Lakelse Ave / Eby St. The man stated that he was pushed out of the Husky Store for eating a sandwich inside and wanted the matter investigated. Police attended to the Husky Store and spoke with staff. It was determined that the man was indeed told to leave the store as he was causing problems inside. The man was arrested for public intoxication.

– BC Ambulance requested police help in gaining access to a residence on Park Ave. Police were called off while en route.

– False business alarm on Keith Ave

– False residential alarm on Lakelse Ave. Police seized 4 firearms to be returned to the homeowner.

– A 23 yr old man on a bike was struck by a green Tacoma at Tim Horton’s on Lakelse. He suffered minor injuries and refused medical treatment. The driver of the vehicle helped the man and drove him to his residence.

– False business alarm on Eby St

– Two 12 yr old boys were assaulted by a man in a at the corner of Hammer Ave / Eby St. The man is described as having an accent, short hair, mustached, and glasses in a small silver 4 Dr. car. The boys were not cooperative with police. Under investigation.

– A red 1991 Olds Cutlass was speeding on Pear St

– False cellular 911

– 48 yr old man was located and arrested for public intoxication on Park Ave

– A person found a bag containing 14 smaller bags of cocaine in a parking lot on Davis Ave. Police seized the drugs for destruction.

– Two men fighting on Straume Ave. Police spoke with the men. They were yelling at their dogs to return after they got off their leash.

– Noise complaint on Lazelle Ave. It was a group of youth playing a game.

– Group of youth causing a disturbance in a field on Hamer Ave. Two boys and 3 girls were located. One of the boys attempted to leave. His game box was full of drug residue and paraphernalia. Police arrested the 18 yr old boy. He refused to follow direction and attempted to flee. He then fought with the police officer. The other youth were verbally abusive to the police officer. The police officer suffered a cut during the altercation.

– A woman reported having been assaulted at a house party. Police transported the woman to her residence. The fight was determined to be consensual.

– A residence on Mcconnell Ave was broken into during the night of March 24 / 25 while the homeowner slept. A wallet, gold ring, white gold bracelet, black bag, and a house key were stolen.

– A residence on Mcconnell Ave was broken into during the night of March 24 / 25. Vehicle keys, a blue Sony handheld camera, and two car DVD players were stolen. The same residence was broken into during the night of March 18.

– False business alarm on Eby St

– False cellular 911

– Two intoxicated girls outside of Copperside 3. They were located along with other youth at the George Little Park and were told to go home.

– A man and woman were fighting outside of the Copperside on Kalum St. Both were intoxicated. The man was arrested for breach of undertaking of no contact and assault. The woman was arrested for assault. The pregnant woman was later transported to Mills Memorial Hospital by BC Ambulance because of stomach pains. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel for both.

– Man with a bat threatening another person at Walmart

– A 34 yr old woman was arrested for uttering threats. Charges are being forwarded to Crown


– Intoxicated man causing problems at the Men’s Shelter on Hall St. Checks were done of area.

– A woman wanted her friend arrested for doing drugs and living an unhealthy lifestyle. Police advised the woman to encourage her friend to seek help, but were unable to arrest people for unhealthy lifestyles.

– A medium white dog attacked a walker on Williams Creek Road. The walker beat the dog back with a stick.

– Intoxicated female walking on Kalum Lake Bridge.

– Report of a domestic dispute. No assault occurred. An intoxicated 30 yr old man was arrested for breach of peace. He was on conditions to not consume alcohol.

– A grey 1987 Buick sedan was pulled over for speeding by Ferry Island. Police noted a smell of marijuana. An amount of marijuana was seized from the vehicle to be destroyed. A 10 yr old and 12 children were in the vehicle.

– Report of an unconscious man lying on the ground near Keith Ave. He was located. He was sober, and enjoying the sun.

– A black Kink Whip mountain bike was stolen from Centennial School around 10 AM on March 25.

– Police assisted in a familial dispute


– A residence on Mountainview Ave was broken into during the night of March 22/23 while the homeowner slept. A laptop computer and a camera were stolen.

– Dirt bikes and ATV’s racing up and down Penner St. Checks were done of area.

– Verbal domestic dispute. Neither person wanted to leave the residence for fear that their partner would cause damage to their belongings. A man found alternate lodging for the night.

– A white 2010 Dodge Caliber pulled up to Mac’s on Hwy 16. The male driver proceeded to get out and urinated on the side of the building. When confronted by a person the male gave him the middle finger.

– A suicidal 39 yr old man was apprehended and transported to Mills Memorial Hospital

– A business on Queensway Dr was broken into sometime during the night of March 25/26. A laptop, cash box, cell phone, and cheque book were stolen.


– A dog was mistaken for a wolf and shot on Dover Rd. A firearm has been seized. Under investigation.

– Suspicious vehicle parked outside of a residence on Woeste Ave. The vehicle was located and the driver apologized for scaring anybody, he was looking for an address.

-Small grey compact car speeding on Egan Rd. Ongoing problem

– A grey 2005 Ford F-150 had its driver’s side window smashed while parked at the Fisherman’s boat launch on March 25 during the day. A laptop, Ipod, house keys, and vehicle registration was stolen. Police noted another vehicle, a black 2006 Jeep Cherokee had pry marks on its driver’s side door by entry was not gained.

– A 29 yr old man was arrested for care and control of a motor vehicle while impaired. He was found passed out behind the wheel of his black Ford pickup in the ditch on Sockeye Cr St, parked but still running. He refused to provide a breath sample. Charges of refusing to provide a breath sample are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

– A grey 2007 Dodge Caliber was pulled over for going 146 km/hour in a 100 km/hr zone, 15 km west of Terrace on Hwy 16. There were three passengers in the vehicle, two being children ages 10 yrs and 13 yrs. The vehicle was impounded for seven days and violation tickets were issued.

– False cellular 911 call.

– A 37 yr old man was arrested for public intoxication near the Kitsumkalum Tempo Gas Bar. She was weaving in and out of traffic.


– Suicidal man. Police located the man on a disturbance call. He was arrested for public intoxication.


People with information on crime are asked to contact the Terrace RCMP at (250)638-7400 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers by telephone at 1-800-222-TIPS. Or a Tip can be left anonymously online at

Terrace Standard

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