The City of Revelstoke approved emergency repairs on a sewer line that runs under the Illecillewaet bridge as a pin-hole size leak was discovered last month. (Jocelyn Doll/Revelstoke Review)

The City of Revelstoke approved emergency repairs on a sewer line that runs under the Illecillewaet bridge as a pin-hole size leak was discovered last month. (Jocelyn Doll/Revelstoke Review)

Sewer leak discovered under bridge in Revelstoke

Emergency repair project to come in at around $175,000

  • Sep. 9, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The city is doing emergency repairs on a sewer pipe leak under the Trans Canada Highway bridge.

First discovered a month ago, the pipe installed in 1965 has a pin-hole leak next to the greenbelt.

A nine metre stainless steel pipe will be installed to replace the leaky fixture. Stainless steel was chosen because the pipe will remain exposed to the elements and stainless steel has a long life cycle, said Steve Black, director of engineering for the city.

He estimates the pipe will cost $14,000 with the total project costing around $175,000.

Because the project is considered an emergency, the city has issued a request for quote by invitation to local businesses instead of posting a request for tender, which requires a longer process.

Black said crews will need to divert the effluent around that section during the repair and will send a camera down the line to inspect the pipe for further corrosion.

“Should we find that there is additional work that needs to be done we can bring that forward in the budget cycle,” Black said.

The money for the project will come from the sewer reserve fund. Black said in future budgets the city will need to add more money to the sewer and water reserve funds in order to cover future projects without borrowing money.

*Correction notice: This story previously stated that the sewer leak was under the Illecillewaet bridge when it is under the Trans Canada Highway Bridge. The pipe was also installed in 1965 not 1961.


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