Sex offender lands in Surrey

Police issue a public warning that Raymond Caissie is at a high risk of reoffending.

Raymond Caissie

Raymond Caissie

Surrey’s mayor is outraged that another high-risk sex offender has been located in this city.

The B.C. Corrections Branch issued a warning this week that Raymond Caissie is now  living in Surrey.

Caissie, 42, was just released from jail after serving a 22-year sentence for a violent sex assault.

He is considered by the Corrections as a high-risk offender, so along with his release, comes the warning that he’s in this community.

“At the end of the day, the safety of the public has to come first and foremost,” said Mayor Dianne Watts. She notes that Caissie if served 22 years, and is still deemed a high risk, he shouldn’t be released.

“Why has he been released?” Watts asked. “It makes no sense.”

Caissie is 5’11” and weighs 75 k.g. (165 pounds), Caucasian with short brown hair and brown eyes.

He has a criminal history including two counts of sexual assault with a weapon; two counts of forcible confinement and robbery; theft; break, enter and theft; theft over $1000; and possession of stolen property. He is currently on bail supervision.

He has maintained a varied pattern of offending, having offended both violently and sexually, in both an opportunistic and impulsive manner.

He is subject to close monitoring by police and has several conditions, including: keeping the peace and staying in this province. He is to have no contact with his victims and is not to possess a knife except for eating and cannot be in possession of a weapon or tools for restraint, including duct tape or wire.

He is also not to consume any drugs.

If any member of the public sees Caissie in violation of these orders, they are asked to call the Surrey RCMP at 604-599-0502.


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