Sex offender remains in custody

Crown seeking tighter restrictions on Don Bakker, who turned himself in to police after being unable to find home in Penticton

Convicted sex offender Donald Bakker, who moved to Penticton after serving a 10-year federal sentence, is back behind bars for breach of conditions.

Convicted sex offender Donald Bakker, who moved to Penticton after serving a 10-year federal sentence, is back behind bars for breach of conditions.

A convicted sex offender who was living in Penticton up until last week will remain behind bars until at least July 31.

Last week, Don Bakker turned himself in to Penticton RCMP for breach of his conditions on two occasions because he could not locate a suitable residence by his curfew. Bakker served a 10-year federal sentence for sexual assault, two counts of sexual assault causing bodily harm on Vancouver sex-trade workers and seven counts of invitation to sexual touching on Cambodian girls between the ages of seven and 12, He was released from prison in June. The 48-year-old was to abide by a number of conditions including a curfew and to live at a residence approved by his parole officer. Bakker made an appearance at Vancouver provincial court last week for the Penticton breaches and an application by Crown that would further tighten restrictions.

“He has been remanded over in custody at this point until July 31 by consent. As I understand it, there are still some steps to be taken to try and find a suitable accommodation on his release. So he is remanded over in custody,” said Crown spokesperson Neil Mackenzie.

The application for tighter restrictions on Bakker was made under section 810.2. If sufficient evidence is provided to the judge during the hearing, those conditions would be implemented for at least one year and a maximum of two years. Mackenzie said an application hearing has been scheduled for Feb. 25 to 28, 2013.

“Bakker will be back in court on July 31 to deal with the question of his judicial interim release pending hearing of that application,” he said.


Penticton Western News