Sexual Health Survey coming to Ladysmith

Researchers could be on your doorstep this spring asking questions to help guide health policy

  • Apr. 6, 2015 8:00 a.m.

Don’t be surprised to find someone knocking at your door this spring asking questions about your sexual health.

Ladysmith households have been targeted by B.C Women’s Hospital and Health Centre to take part in the Canadian Sexual Health Survey.

On March 23, health care professionals started arriving on local doorsteps with a questionnaire designed to ask women between 14 and 49 about their sexual health and how women and girls access family planning knowledge, services, and methods in their communities.

Households in communities across BC have been randomly selected to participate. Selected households will receive an introduction letter prior to the survey, which will continue throughout the spring.

Eligible girls and women will be offered a $20 honorarium and can decide at the doorstep if they would like to participate.

This research has been approved by the UBC-Children’s and Women’s Hospital Research Ethics Board, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Results will be shared publicly once it is complete. The findings are expected to assist health care professionals and policy-makers in meeting the sexual health needs of women and girls.

Ladysmith Chronicle