City of Campbell River. Campbell River Mirror photo

City of Campbell River. Campbell River Mirror photo

Share your thoughts on proposed Quinsam Heights Official Community Plan changes

The City of Campbell River is seeking public feedback on a proposal to remove the "estate" land use designation from the Official Community Plan (OCP) in Quinsam Heights.

  • Aug. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The City of Campbell River is seeking public feedback on a proposal to remove the “estate” land use designation from the Official Community Plan (OCP) in Quinsam Heights.

The proposed OCP amendment would remove the estate designation where it exists in this neighbourhood (the area approximately bordered by Evergreen Road, Highway 19, McPhedran Road and Shetland Road). This change would lift the requirement for subdivisions to result in an average lot size of no less than one acre.

“This would set the stage for the city to consider proposals for more and different types of development to occur in Quinsam Heights,” explains Chris Osborne, the city’s acting manager of long-range planning and sustainability. “The proposed amendment comes after a re-evaluation and update to City housing policies. Part of that process was to consider how to make the best use of available land to continue to provide new housing options for current and future residents.”

The amendment would not affect the current zoning of any parcels, and any future proposals for zoning changes would continue to require neighbourhood notification and a public hearing.

All of the details of the proposed amendment, and how to provide your feedback can be found at

There are three ways to provide your input.

Request to join an online Zoom workshop on Tuesday, Aug. 25

Online workshops are available at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Aug. 25. Space is limited to one person per household and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Register your interest in participating, visit

Complete a workbook and send it to the city

The workshops will be a guided discussion to complete a short workbook.

If you cannot attend a workshop, you can still complete a workbook and email it to or drop off a paper copy to City Hall.

Workbooks will be available at

Completed workbooks are due by 9 a.m. Aug. 28.

Attend the public hearing

A public hearing will take place in September and will be advertised in the Campbell River Mirror. Find information on public hearings and how to sign up as a delegation to address Council at:

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Campbell River Mirror