Sheila McDonnell has been elected chair of the Comox Valley Schools board of education. File photo

Sheila McDonnell has been elected chair of the Comox Valley Schools board of education. File photo

Sheila McDonnell elected chair of Comox Valley Schools board

Sheila McDonnell was elected chair of the Comox Valley Schools board of education in a by-election held at Tuesday's meeting. She fills the seat vacated by Ian Hargreaves, who stepped down Sept. 1 as chair and trustee for Area C of the Comox Valley Regional District.

Sheila McDonnell was elected chair of the Comox Valley Schools board of education in a by-election held at Tuesday’s meeting. She fills the seat vacated by Ian Hargreaves, who stepped down Sept. 1 as chair and trustee for Area C of the Comox Valley Regional District.

READ: Comox Valley Schools board of education chair resigns

McDonnell and Tonia Frawley were nominated for the position. It took two votes to determine a winner as the first round of ballots were evenly split.

“Thank you all for your vote of confidence,” said McDonnell, who has 40 years of experience of working in community.

“I do feel it is a significant change of hats. I’ve always been that person who was advocating, speaking to issues, putting forward a perspective. I’ve always talked about process and how important that is, and our collaborative approach. I feel our strategic plan reflects a lot of the goals, the things I talked about. I trust that we can move forward in a process that builds on what we’re doing in that strategic plan.”

Michelle Waite and Sarah Jane Howe were nominated for the position of vice-chair. After another tie vote, Waite was elected to the position.

Comox Valley Record