Sheraton mill reopens

Sheraton Holdings Ltd. will resume sawmilling operations at its facility

  • Feb. 15, 2012 6:00 a.m.

Sheraton Holdings Ltd. will resume sawmilling operations at its facility east of Burns Lake in March, the company’s board of directors announced today.

The sawmill, which produces various of specialty products for domestic and foreign markets, is slated to reopen in March after being closed for more than a year due to poor market conditions. The resumption of milling operations will create about seven to nine full-time positions in a community hit hard by the recent fire at Hampton Affiliates’ Babine Forest Products operation.


Quinten Beach, president of Sheraton Holdings Ltd. and its shareholder, Comfor Mng. Services Ltd., said the decision to reopen the mothballed sawmill makes good business sense at this time.



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