Shopping spree bus tour to focus on second-hand shopping

Two local ladies are hoping to show Kelowna and Westside women that shopping can still be enjoyed during tough economic times.

(From left) Kathy Weibe, Patti Wells and Carole McCutcheon of Rosebuds Designer Consignment show off some of the clothes available in the store. Rosebuds is one of the stops on the Bustin' Loose shopping tour.

(From left) Kathy Weibe, Patti Wells and Carole McCutcheon of Rosebuds Designer Consignment show off some of the clothes available in the store. Rosebuds is one of the stops on the Bustin' Loose shopping tour.

Two local ladies are hoping to show Kelowna and Westside women that shopping can still be enjoyed during tough economic times.

Heather Fedoruk and Val Levy are gearing up for their first ever Bustin’ Loose event: A full day of shopping that will tour local women through three second-hand shops in Kelowna and the clothing section of Superstore in West Kelowna.

An air conditioned bus will take the women to each destination; breakfast, lunch and a wine tasting will also be provided.

“Times are tough for everybody, we just wanted to show people they can shop for less and still get a great look,” said Heather Fedoruk, organizer of Bustin’ Loose.

The journey starts June 9 at 7:45 a.m. at West Kelowna Superstore. The bus will stop at Starbucks for breakfast before continuing on to Rosebuds Designer Consignment and Sparrow’s Nest Vintage Shop and Studio.

“Sparrow’s Nest is more of a home decor shop with vintage style furniture from 1940 to 1970. They’re opening both stores up an hour early for us,” said Fedoruk.

Next on the schedule is Value Village for an hour-and-a-half of shopping.

After a Wendy’s lunch and a wine tasting at Little Straw Vineyard, the women will make their final stop at Superstore to check out the clothes section.

The cost for a spot on the bus is $70. If women bring a friend, the cost drops to $60; if they bring two or more friends, the cost is $50 each. There is a total of 47 spots on the bus.

The price tag to get in on the adventure may be significant for some, but some of the proceeds will be going to a good cause.

“There’s a gal in the community who is in need of many things. She, through no fault of her own, has not been able to access them through normal sources. We’re hoping some of our proceeds can be used to help her get a leg up—she doesn’t know that we’re going to do it,” said Levy.

“The focus is that we’re trying to help women get ahead.”

Fedoruk and Levy will be lending their skills to help each lady get the most out of her shopping experience.

“Val and I will be talking on the bus and we’ll explain how much our outfits cost that we’re wearing at each store—we’ll dress so that they can see what kind of deal they can get,” said Fedoruk.

“We won’t be shopping, we will be helping the ladies find sizes and dedicating ourselves to make it a fun experience for everyone.”

Several of the businesses on the agenda have also donated prizes to be raffled off on the bus ride.

Depending on the success of the first attempt, Fedoruk and Levy said that they may look to do a similar event in the future.

For more information or to sign up for Bustin’ Loose contact Heather Fedoruk (250-469-0811) or Val Levy (250-212-8166).

Kelowna Capital News