Shots fired at Glendale residence

Williams Lake RCMP are investigating a serious incident which saw seven shots fired into a Glendale residence just after midnight Monday.

Williams Lake RCMP are investigating a serious incident which saw seven shots fired into a Glendale residence just after midnight Monday.

No one was hurt, however, the crime has prompted its victims, who were new renters to the house, located in the 1100 block of Mackenzie Avenue, to speak up about the experience.

“At first it sounded like a Roman candle, like someone was setting off fireworks,” said one of the residents, who wished to remain anonymous due to safety concerns. The man, who moved into the three-bedroom residence March 1 with his girlfriend, his brother and his girlfriend and his father, who is currently undergoing treatment for cancer. “Then we realized someone was shooting at the house.”

The man said he was out of his bedroom helping his father when the shooting occurred, while his brother and his girlfriend were sleeping at the time. Both bedrooms were hit with gun shots, with one bullet going through a window, then a wall and falling on the floor beside their bed.

“Nobody was hit, thank God, but we can’t live here anymore with this random act of violence.”

The man said he believes the previous renters were well known to police, and the latest incident was a case of mistaken identity — but that doesn’t make him feel any better about it.

“This gang violence is overflowing onto people who have nothing to do with it. It’s pretty horrible.”

The man’s father said he’s not afraid to speak up about the problem.

“If you say nothing, nothing happens. If you say something then at least it brings attention to the issue,” he said.

“We won’t be the last victims, we’re just the next victims.”

In all, seven shots were fired at the residence from a stolen Interior Roads vehicle — taken from an employee’s residence between 8 p.m. May 10 and 5:30 a.m. May 11 — which was found abandoned in the Esler subdivision late Monday morning.

Police in Williams Lake are asking if anyone has information regarding the incident to contact the Williams Lake RCMP at 250-392-6211 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Williams Lake Tribune