Shovel Lake wildfire, highway 27 and pipeline

Shovel Lake wildfire, highway 27 and pipeline

It's close to one and reached another

  • Aug. 19, 2018 12:00 a.m.

According to a B.C. Wildfire update, the Shovel Lake fire is approximately 8 kilometres from the first trigger point, an indication the fire could impact highway 27 in the next 12 to 24 hours.

It is 15 kilometres from the second trigger point and 20 kilometres from the highway. If it reaches the second trigger line it could impact highway 27 in 1 to 4 hours.

On the southeast flank the fire has reached the PNG pipeline north of Fraser Lake. Crews are working on containment.

Air tankers and water skimming aircraft built guards along the pipeline east of Stern Lake yesterday. The north guard was widened by heavy equipment to help stop growth toward the north shore of Fraser Lake.

Planned ignition from Stern Lake to Ormand Creek successfully removed fuel between the guard and the fire inside of the guard.

As of last night, August 18, the Shovel Lake was mapped at 85,744 hectares and the cause is still under investigation.

191 fire fighters, eight helicopters and 52 pieces of local heavy equipment are battling the blaze.

According to a facebook post, local companies building the guards include, KDL, Ublies, Newlands, Ocock River, Canyon, Russels and many more. (Robert Whynacht)

B.C. Wildfire is still imposing an Area Order Restriction to protect public safety.

Caledonia Courier