Joan Flaspohler has moved up as the assistant fire chief with the departure of Rob Warnock last month. (Angie Mindus photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Shuffle at fire hall, department hiring paid-on-call firefighters

There are some changes at the Williams Lake Fire Dept. due to the departure of Rob Warnock who moved over to public works last month as director of municipal services.

There are some changes at the Williams Lake Fire Dept. due to the departure of Rob Warnock who moved over to public works last month as director of municipal services.

Joan Flaspohler is now assistant chief, training and operations, and former senior bylaw office Brendan Foote is the fire inspector.

“We are excited to have them in their new roles and they are excited for the challenge,” said fire chief Erick Peterson.

The fire department is also recruiting paid-on call firefighters with the deadline for applying Monday, March 22, 2021.

Posted by Williams Lake Fire Department on Monday, March 8, 2021

Positions are open to people who are fit, live within the Williams Lake fire protection area and want to volunteer.

Applications are available at the fire hall, 230 Hodgson Road.

Peterson said the department trains members to reach full firefighter certification which takes about two years.

Training takes place Tuesday evenings and some weekends.

There are presently 37 paid-on call firefighters and the department tries to keep that number at 43.

Williams Lake Tribune