Shuswap Community Foundation funds growing

Sicamous and Malakwa organizations once again benefit from Community Foundation.

This year, a mission of the Shuswap Community Foundation is to create a smart and caring community.

In a spirit of community-building generosity, the foundation last week disbursed discretionary grants totalling $65,025 and $106,695 in agency and donor-directed grants for a grand total of $171,720.

In her president’s report, Karen Angove, called this a significant milestone and a major accomplishment.

Other highlights Angove noted were the McGuire Lake Memorial Walkway, created in partnership with the City of Salmon Arm and seven new family funds.

The walkway will become the designated community location to celebrate life’s milestones, such as significant birthdays and anniversaries to fondly remember a loved one.

Each 12”X”24” brick purchased for placement in the walkway includes a donation to the foundation’s walkway fund, which will fund community-based charitable programs, projects and services within the Shuswap area in perpetuity.

“Our permanent capital fund has grown to almost $5 million,” she reported, noting the foundation also boasts a new website and, “in a difficult economic climate, sustainable, better than average returns on investments.”

Groups benefitting from Shuswap Community Foundation grants this year include: Adams River Nature Society, Caravan Farm Theatre, Cedar Heights Community Association, Eagle Valley Community Support Society, Shuswap District Arts Council, Friends of 1922 Notch Hill Society, Kamloops Symphony Society, Literacy Alliance of the Shuswap Society, Salmon Arm Children’s Festival Society, Malakwa Community Centre Association, North Canoe Parent Advisory Council, Northern Lights Chamber Choir, Salmon Arm and Shuswap Lake Agricultural Association, Salmon Arm Bay Nature Enhancement Society,  Salmon Arm Museum and Heritage Association, Shuswap Association for Community Living,  Shuswap Family Resource and Referral Society, Shuswap Trail Alliance Society, Shuswap Association of Writers, Sicamous and District Senior Centre Society, Sorrento Memorial Hall Association, Switzmalph Cultural Society,  RCAC 222 Shuswap Squadron Sponsoring Committee.

Angove offered sincere thanks to retiring board members Alice Duck from Sicamous and Doug Adams from Salmon Arm for their significant contributions over the past several years.

Welcomed onboard as new foundation directors were Colleen Johns, representing the Sicamous area and John White representing the Salmon Arm area.

Looking ahead, Angove says the foundation has embraced the Gov. Gen. David Johnston’s mission to make Canada a smarter and more caring nation by joining a “Smart and Caring” initiative created by Community Foundations Canada.

For more information on the foundation, call their office at 250-832-5428.


Eagle Valley News