Sicamous council supportive of Stomp

Summer Stomp and Burnout Charity Party organizers say it may take time before the charity part kicks in.

Summer Stomp and Burnout Charity Party organizers are calling this year’s event a success, though it may take a year or two before the charity part kicks in.

In a presentation to Sicamous council, the Summer Stomp Committee’s Steve Hammer and Mike Smith provided a rundown of this year’s event. Hammer said the event very well, and estimated the district saw $1 million of economic benefit.

As far as complaints go, Hammer referred to only one that was printed in the Eagle Valley News.

“We’re actually looking for the constructive criticism,” said Hammer. “That one… its one person who wasn’t happy with the marks on the street and the noise on the grounds. I have a rule, if I hear the same complaint five times, then we’ll do something about it unless it’s about safety or some other condition.

“So we’re sort of saying we haven’t had any complaints.”

Looking ahead to the year 2020, Hammer said the committee would like to see up to 50,000 people on Main Street Sicamous for the event.

“Whether it will happen or not, who knows, but as long as the event continues the way it has been, we see no reason for that not to happen,” he said.

Coun. Terry Rysz, acting as deputy mayor, commended Hammer, Smith and the Summer Stomp Committee, stating the event has been incredibly well run, both downtown and at the dog park.

“What impressed me – when you guys locked her all up, there wasn’t a gum wrapper left in the park,” said Rysz.

Coun. Suzanne Carpenter also had accolades for the event, but wondered if there would be any donations to charity this year as there has been in the past. Hammer explained how, with such things as the stunt motorcycle shows on Main Street, the event now comes with a higher price tag.

“There is not a lot of money this year, but I totally believe we’ll be back to that… so we’ll be gifting $10,000, $20,000 a year,” said Hammer.

“I truly believe we’ll get there in the next year or two.”

Eagle Valley News