Parkview Elementary and Eagle River Secondary students are being sent home early as the schools are currently without power.File photo

Parkview Elementary and Eagle River Secondary students are being sent home early as the schools are currently without power.File photo

Sicamous schools close due to power outage

About 4,000 BC Hydro customers in Sicamous area without power.

A power failure in Sicamous has forced the closure of the local elementary and high school.

School District #83 spokesperson Alice Hucul said Thursday morning that the call was made to close Parkview Elementary and Eagle River Secondary as BC Hydro had no estimate as to when power will be restored.

“Parents are being notified – the buses are arriving at the schools at 10:45 a.m. to take bus students home,” said Hucul.

Approximately 4,000 BC Hydro customers are currently without power. BC Hydro reports they are working on a transmission failure, and estimate power could be restored by 11 a.m.

Eagle Valley News