Sidewalk permit fee waived

Armstrong is waiving its yearly sidewalk permit fee for businesses affected by Okanagan Street work

The City of Armstrong is waiving its yearly sidewalk permit fee for businesses affected by the ongoing Okanagan Street road improvement project.

The capital project calls for new sidewalks as part of the plan, meaning businesses along Okanagan or on the corner of Okanagan and another street can’t put up a business sandwich board because, for the time being, there is no sidewalk.

Susan Gagnon of Frugal Frocks, located on Okanagan Street, wrote to council saying she would decline, for the first time ever, to pay the $25 yearly sidewalk permit fee.

“It seems pointless to try to merchandise anything on the remaining sidewalk,” wrote Gagnon. “With dust, noise and other elements to deal with, as well as access being an issue, I am removing my tiny table effective immediately.”

Chief administrative officer Melinda Stickney told city council that, in 2014, 16 businesses bought sidewalk permits in the downtown core.

Seven businesses are currently affected by the Okanagan Street road work, and two of the seven have already purchased their permit.

“Not everybody purchased a permit because some are able to put signs on their own property,” said Stickney.

Council unanimously voted to waive the $25 fee for the five businesses this year, due to the construction, and will refund the two that have already obtained permits.

“It’s the least we can do,” said Coun. Shirley Fowler.

“We hear lots of concerns in other communities about roadwork that goes on to the actual demise of some small businesses that can’t handle that.

“This is only for a short period of time, but there will be lots of noise, dust and no sidewalks, and access is not as easy as it has been.”

The roadwork is expected to be completed by the end of June.


Vernon Morning Star