This conceptual rendering shows revisions to the proposed warehouse in Sidney on land under the authority of the Victoria Airport Authority. York Realty, which plans to build, then lease the building, said significant changes to the the massing and height of the building respond to community feedback. Additional feedback can be submitted until June 30. (Screencap/York Realty)

Sidney warehouse proposal lands Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce endorsement

Public has until June 30 to submit additional comments after significant modifications

  • Jun. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Two Greater Victoria business leaders have endorsed plans for a warehouse in Sidney.

Bruce Williams, chief executive officer of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, and John Wilson, chair of the chamber board, said in a joint letter that the chamber supports plans for the warehouse that York Realty plans to build on a grass lot on the north side of Beacon Avenue West between Galaran and McDonald Park roads.

Williams and Wilson said the proposed distribution centre will create jobs on the Saanich Peninsula, spreading employment opportunities across Greater V¡ctoria.

“These jobs will provide a tangible boost to the many small businesses that serve the region,” they said. Victoria Airport Authority will also benefit from a new revenue source, which will help diversify its income streams and provide funds needed to continue with ongoing improvements, according to the letter.

“For the health of all of Greater Victoria, we believe that initiatives such as th¡s proposal are needed to grow our economy and continue supporting the residents of our region,” they said.

RELATED: Victoria Airport Authority and York Realty present “significant” modifications to Sidney warehouse proposal

RELATED: Chamber of Commerce promises Sidney warehouse proposal will deliver jobs

According to official information from York Realty, the building has a value of $65 million and will create 260 permanent jobs. The public earlier heard that it will generate $900,000 in annual property tax revenue for the community and region.

The Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce had earlier expressed its support for the project, but also acknowledged concerns about traffic.

York Realty, which plans to lease the building to a yet-to-be-named “last-mile” distribution company, recently made significant modifications to the proposed building.

The revisions impact the height and size of the building, two subjects that stoked controversy after York Realty first presented its plans in late April for the building to be located on land within the municipal boundaries of Sidney but under VAA authority.

Residents living along Galaran Road and elsewhere had criticized the building height and massing.

According to information from VAA, the massing of the revised building drops by 26 per cent from the original proposal. The overall height of the building drops to 19.3 metres at its highest point (previously almost 23 metres). Perhaps the most significant revisions happen along Galaran Road, where the building will be 11 metres tall after York Realty essentially reduced the warehouse to a single level.

Residents have until June 30 to submit additional feedback on the revisions.

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