The amendment would allow for changeable church signage.

The amendment would allow for changeable church signage.

Sign of faith on the agenda

City of White Rock councillors to review sign bylaw

White Rock council will review proposed changes to the city’s signage bylaw – that would, in part, bring a scofflaw church back to the right side of the law.

The proposed bylaw amendment, introduced by senior building official Richard Wilson, will provide clarification on civic addressing, make minor changes to construction-project signage and include places of worship in the changeable copy area of the bylaw.

Currently, council heard last Monday, the changeable copy signage bylaw applies mainly to theatres, recreation centres, community establishments and schools. The proposed amendment would include places of worship.

“So in other words, we would legalize the United Church sign that is out there and has been out there for the last 60 to 70 years,” Mayor Wayne Baldwin quipped.

Other changes would include that all buildings in the city display civic addresses clearly visible from the street in order to ensure a quick response from fire or emergency services, as well as for ease of guests and deliveries, Wilson said.

The third change applies to construction projects, which are currently limited to one free-standing sign on each road frontage, with a maximum area of 32-square-feet.

Changes proposed would allow promotion of projects on the fencing that surrounds the site while under construction while minimizing the impacts on surrounding neighbourhoods, Wilson said.

Council voted to receive the information for further consideration.



Peace Arch News