Sign up to focus on Recreation and Culture

The Campbell River Recreation and Culture Department will gather public feedback about recreation and culture

  • Apr. 1, 2014 1:00 p.m.

Throughout April, the Campbell River Recreation and Culture Department will gather public feedback about recreation and culture in our community. And you play an important role.

First, share your thoughts through the online survey – available on the city website between April 6 and 19. Then, consider signing up to participate in a focus group.

“The importance of recreation and culture in determining a community’s overall health and quality of life cannot be overestimated,” says Lynn Wark, the City’s recreation manager.

Recent work conducted across the country by the National Parks and Recreation Association has shown that every community can enhance the quality of life for residents through regular recreation services.

People interested and available to join a focus group will spend one hour in groups of eight discussing their needs and interests for recreation and cultural services.

Call Wark at 250-923-7911 to participate.

Campbell River Mirror